
Friday, May 22, 2009

Looking At The Sky On Friday #15 & VGNO


The other night, while I was watching the American Idol finale, I looked out my front door. I saw a lot of pink in the sky so I snapped some pictures.

Bad news - Adam did not win. I said I would not get upset no matter who won, but I lied. I am still upset that Adam didn't win!

Good news - I won 3 different blog giveaways this week! One was the giveaway from Ann, another is for a candle and goats milk soap, and the one I just found out last night is a Pepsi Throwback Giveaway! Which has $150 worth of stuff from Pepsi! I'm so excited!

Anyway here's my pink sky picture:

may 015

Go here for more participants:


Hope everyone has a nice Memorial Day weekend. We are just hanging around and maybe plant some tomatoes. And my daughter is going to march in the parade with her Brownie Troop on Monday.


  1. Hi Sue,
    Very pretty colors in the sky. That is great that you won 3 different blog giveaways. That would be exciting. Have a fun and safe holiday weekend! :-)

  2. beautiful pink and purple sky!
    I hope your daughter has a wonderful time at the parade :)

  3. Yea i felt the same way bout Amazing Race, said i didnt care but felt a little upset when Margie and Luke didn't win. Congrats on all your winnings. :)

    Happy VGNO

  4. Congrats on your wins! I love your sky shot!

    Happy VGNO!

  5. Have lovely Memorial Day and have a nice parade. HAPPY VGNO

  6. YEAH! You got your trophy posted!!!!!!
    Happy 1000 comments AND VGNO!

  7. Gorgeous pic. I felt the same way the other night with American Idol. I had a feeling Adam wasn't going to win. But I was trying to be hopeful for Adam. Now I'm just mad.

    Enjoy your weekend. Happy VGNO!

  8. Susan I am so happy that your package from Knock Knock arrived today! How cool!

    I finally have Mr. Linky working so I hope that brings more "party goers" your way.

    Happy VGNO!!

  9. Great sky pic!!

    Good job on your winning streak!

    That parade should be super cute!

    Happy VGNO!

  10. Congrats on all your wins! :) What a beautiful sky...thanks for sharing! :)

    Happy VGNO! :)

  11. way to go big winner! happy VGNO

  12. Cool photos. Stopping by for VGNO. Have a great weekend.!

  13. Congrats and hey--those are some nice pics!! Happy VGNO!!

  14. Stopping by for a late VGNO...Hoping you have a great weekend. Love the sky picture...I am sad Adam didn't win, too!

  15. These are beautifully colored skies!
    Hugs and blessings,
