
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

WW #47 "I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover"

My daughter came running in the house yesterday, all excited because she found this:

four leaf clover 003

Not sure if this is an official "four leaf clover." What do you think?

But it does have four leaves, looks like a clover, and she found it on St. Patrick's Day. Must be lucky, my husband is going to play the lottery today!

Visit Momdot, Wordless Wednesday , 5 minutes for Mom, & Wordful Wed. for more participants.


  1. I'd say it counts! Good Luck!

  2. Let us know how the lottery goes!

  3. Hard to say....but if your daughter says it's official....then it is by all means.

    My wordful this week is celebrating sisters. Come join me, won't you?

  4. A four leaf clover indeed. Keep it, they say its lucky and keeps the leprechauns away.

  5. Did you find it yesterday? Cause I think that doubles your luck ;)

  6. Looks like a four leaf clover to me. She sure is lucky! And finding it on St. Patrick's Day of all days. That is pretty cool!

  7. Looks like a winner to me! I have never found a 4-leaf clover!

  8. Don't you just love how special a 4-leaf clover feels? I say it counts!

  9. Sure looks like one! I don't know if I have ever seen one before or not!

  10. Close go enjoy the pot of gold. :D

  11. Hmmm... I'd say it counts. I found my first four leaf clover ever about two years ago. I was so excited.

  12. That is the coolest!! I would say that is a four leaf clover! Luckyyyy!

  13. My philosophy: if it makes the kid happy to think it's a four leaf clover, then it's a four leaf clover :)

    Happy Wednesday,
    Tink *~*~*

    Now Playing at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
    Sanibel Island beach birds

  14. I don't know if it is; have never seen one before yet. But since majority of the people think it is then most probably it is. What a lucky found. I need some luck too. :)

  15. definitely a 4-leafer. a keeper for sure!

  16. Wow! Deja vu! I was standing at the bus stop with my son this morning and he starts jumping up and down. He tells me he found a four leaf clover....he hands me a weed. LOL!

  17. Wow! Deja vu! I was standing at the bus stop with my son this morning and he starts jumping up and down. He tells me he found a four leaf clover....he hands me a weed. LOL!

  18. I've never found a four leaf clover but I have broken my fir share of mirrors. It explains a lot.;)

  19. I am not sure myself but I would say it counts!
