
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Extra Curricular Activities

My daughter is involved in some extra curricular activities. She is doing Brownies, dance class, and piano lessons. And yesterday some of them collided all on the same day.

There was a half a day at school yesterday. So right after school her Brownie troop went on a field trip to the local News Station. They had a tour of the news station and got to meet some of the people from the news. They had a good time.

After that was done she returned home just in time to get ready for her dance class. We went to the dance class. We returned home around 5:45. Just in time to eat some dinner and then get ready for the next activity!

Her music class at school was able to play the recorder during the Christmas concert last night. Remember 3rd grade when you had to learn the recorder? Well her class actually got to play 3 songs during the school concert last night. It was so cute seeing the kids play the recorder. They all did a great job. And at short notice. They don't usually have the 3rd graders in the concert but for some reason the 5th grade couldn't perform in it, so they needed to add something to the concert. So they had the 3rd graders in it. They only had like 2 weeks practice. And they did a great job! They played a Partridge in a Fig trees. No wait it's Partridge in a pear tree.

So she had a very busy day yesterday. She loves doing all the extra curricular activities. Hopefully they won't all be on the same day again though!


  1. My son does Cub Scouts and basketball. Those extra activities keep us busy! Oh, and being a den leader keeps me even busier!

  2. Good job with fig tree! Wow bet you are exhausted! I am mixed about all of that stuff. I mean part of me looks forward to Hunter be involved and the selfish part thinks maybe he can be an introvert! But since my 2 year old drops his shoulder to tackle and can actually pitch the ball so that you can hit it I am certain I am in for something after school...
