
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Photo Hunters "Ruined"

This weeks theme is "ruin(ed)." This is another hard one. I scoured my pictures trying to find something that was "ruined." Could hardly find anything. Came across this old picture of my mothers cat "Pumpkin" who would sit up in my mom's plant. After a while the cat pretty much "ruined" the plant.


  1. Uh, yeah. I'd say that plant (and soon, the hanger) is ruined.

    I think it's marvelous you had nothing around your house that's ruined! I have waaaay too much to show.

    I did Photo Hunt today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit and leave your link!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. But Pumpkin seems so happy with your Mom's plant - such a contented kitty! I can't keep plants in my house - my brown thumb automatically kills all living vegetation - no cat required!

  3. That ruined picture works for me. How did the cat even get in there! My thumb is as green as frugal grandma's.

  4. she's so cute. i don't mind she will ruin the plant. hehehee

    thanks for the peep at my entry. :) i really dunno why people litter especially in places where they should not.

  5. What a cute photo! How in the world did the cat get up there?

    Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving a comment. :)

  6. ah the naughty little cat. so adorable though!

  7. I can't remember now, but I know the TV is to the right, so I think she would jump on top of the TV then into the plant.

  8. That is something our cat would do as Oliver wants to be as high up as possible...cute photo...

    New Rambling Woods Site

  9. Hi Sue,
    You have a very pretty cat. My whole family loves cats. Thanks for sharing and have a great night! :-)
