
Monday, November 24, 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award

I was given the Kreativ Blogger award from Sheri at cookingmom. Thanks Sheri that's very nice of you! Go visit Sheri's blog she has a lot of great posts! Especially some really great recipes too!


Here are the rules for this one:
1. Mention the blog that gave it to you and comment on their blog to let them know you’ve posted your award.
2. Publish these rules.
3. Share 6 values that are important to you and 6 things you do not support.
4. Grant the prize to 6 people.
5. Mention the blog that gave it to you and comment on their blog to let them know you’ve posted your award.

Six Important Values/Beliefs:

1. Family
2. Honesty
3. Love
4. Loyalty
5. Togetherness
6. Sharing

Six Support For These Values/Beliefs:

1. Unkindness
2. Pettiness
3. Lying
4. Deceiving
5. Conniving
6. Snobbery


  1. Hi Sue,
    Congratulations on your award. You are doing a fine job over here. PS: Thanks for sharing your Smile Award with your friends. Happy Holidays! :-)
