
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Heroes at Home from Sears

Christmas will soon be upon us. People will be shopping for presents soon, or maybe you have already started. Or for those real go getter's you may be already done. Well maybe before you finish your shopping you could consider helping people in need.

This is the season of giving after all and there is a program called Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry. Sears has established a Heroes at Home program to provide support to military service members, veterans, and their families. Sears has been working with various non-profit organizations. And this year they are expanding their program to allow Americans to help out too.

If you want to help you can donate to Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry and Sears will use the donations to purchase non-tax deductible gift cards for deserving families. Isn't that what Christmas is all about? Giving to others who are in need. And who better to help then the men and woman and their families who have helped us with their sacrifices for our country!


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