
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #10 "Movies I have on VHS"

Yes, that's right I said "VHS." Back in the day I collected videos. I have a DVD player now but never really bought any DVD's. I just rent them. Which I haven't done that in awhile either. But I used to buy the videos.

I was down in my cellar the other day and noticed these videos (which I haven't watched any of these in awhile either):

1. Dirty Dancing
2. Ghost
3. Say Anything
4. Forrest Gump
5. Titanic
6. Mrs. Doubtfire
7. Thelma & Louise
8. Jurassic Park
9. Groundhog Day
10. Goodfellas
11. Pretty Woman
12. Beaches
13. Tootsie


  1. One of my fav movies is, Ghost. Time to break out the popcorn!
    Happy T13!

  2. These are the ones I haven't least not all the way through.

    3. Say Anything
    5. Titanic
    10. Goodfellas

  3. Oh I love all of those, the only one I dont recall is Say anything.

  4. I love Dirty Dancing, Say Anything, Pretty Woman, and Tootsie. Great list!

  5. Too funny ! I recently just got rid of all of mine. I had every one on your list!

  6. I have a lot of these on videotape too! Don't know why I hang on to them, since we don't have a working VCR in the house...

  7. We still have a pile of VHS, too, but no VCR hooked up :) I should probably think about getting rid of those some time in the future...

    I just did my first TT this week.

  8. HaHa, LOVE it! Do you remember Beta?...I think that's what it was called! I remember the Beta section at our local video rental store.

  9. Titanic is one of my all time faves. I watched it this weekend. :)
    Great list.

    Happy TT.
    My TT ~ My CrAzY Wednesday (Morning)

  10. I have a lot of those on VHS also. But SHHHH, don't tell anyone I also have a dozen or so movies in BETA format too....and my BETA machine died a long, long time ago.

  11. We have several of those...and we DO still have a VCR...I think we have more videos than we have DVDs...

    Thanks for coming by my blog yesterday!
