
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday 13 # 8 "Celebrity Gossip"

Here's thirteen things I found out on the People Magazine website and on the Huffington Post website.. That are either fact or fiction, I'm not sure, but they are reporting these things. Just for fun! I love "celebrity gossip!"

1. Clay Akin is Gay
2. Clay Akin is a Dad (this I didn't know, until the other day. I had never heard he even had a baby?)
3. Mandy Moore flies to be with her ex-boyfriend DJAM, after his plane crash.
4. Shanna Moakler flies to be with her ex-husband Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker, after he was in the same plane crash.
5. Lance Armstrong is coming out of a 3 yr. retirement to return to the Tour de France, to raise Cancer Awareness.
6. Comedian Jeffery Ross (don't even know this guy) was the first star to be voted off Dancing with the Stars.
7. Ted McGinley was the second star to be voted off Dancing with the stars.
8. Pregnant Gillian Anderson (from x-files) fell at the Emmys (she's ok)
9. Former Bachelorette Jen Schefft gets engaged.
10. Johnny Depp will reprise his role as Jack Sparrow for a 4th Pirates movie.
11. John McCain canceled his scheduled appearance on David Letterman, and ended up beign the butt of David Letterman's jokes.
12. Joan Rivers Emmy coverage was yanked from AOL, after they found it too offensive.
13. George Clooney will not return at all for the last season of ER. (I hope he changes his mind, he should make an apperance for the final season!)

That's 13 peices of "Celebrity Gossip." Hope you enjoyed!


  1. thanks for keeping this stay at home mom up to date!!

  2. Yep, Aiken is gay...not sure how "news" that is :D I think it was just a matter of when, not if.

  3. you can sort of see that about Clay looking back now lol

    thanks for adding my badge too! the scroll bars are useful, especially when your friends badges start to get longer hahaha

    have a good weekend x

  4. I used to be so on top of this stuff. However, I canceled my "informational magazines" a few years back! Thanks for the gossip!

  5. Ahhhh now I am up to date. Thanks for the information.

  6. just stopping by again Sue to say have a good weekend ;)
