
Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer Reading

I love to read. I have always been a reader. Ever since I was in Grammar School. I remember one time my school had a read-a-thon. Where you raise money for every book you read. I think we gave the money to the March-of-Dimes. Anyway, you had a month to read as many books as you could. I remember I read over 30 books! It was like a book a day!

It's harder to do as much reading now a days. With all the other stuff that needs to get done. But I still like to read when I get a chance. I got my love of reading from my mother. She reads constantly. And I'm trying to pass it on to my kids.

My son likes to read, but doesn't do it as much as he should. And my daughter is just starting to read on her own. Books she likes. Before "Mom" was still kind of reading to her. But now she likes to read to herself, which is great.

One thing that was cool, was the first day of no school, my kids actually wanted to go to the book store to pick out a book! I thought that was great, so they could continue to do reading over the summer. Like I said before my daughter loves American Girls. So she picked out an American Girl book. My Son picked out "Flush," by Carl Hiaasen. He also wrote the book "Hoot," which they had made into a movie a couple of years ago. And I'm reading a Danielle Steel book (I know not to serious, but I like to read that kind of book, especially in the Summer), "The Wedding."

So get to the book store, or your local library and get books for everyone! Do some Summer Reading! What books are you reading? Any good suggestions for kids books?

***Here's links to the books we're reading****


  1. Carl Hiaason is one of my favourite authors. You'll enjoy his other books too. Although they are adult rather than teen targetted! They are VERY funny!

  2. Good luck with it. I found SS a pain. PPP is much better. I wrote about it here:
