
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Durable Garden Hoses


Believe it or not Spring is just around the corner. The temperatures are getting a little bit warmer and the days a little bit longer. This time of year is great, because knowing that spring and summer are not that far away really makes everything seem better. In my opinion anyway. 

Knowing that winter is almost over, it might be time to start thinking about gardening.  Do you like to garden?  It can be a very fun and rewarding hobby. Gardening can be really enjoyable. Depending on what you like to grow there can be a large variety of vegetation to pick from. Whether you like to plant trees, shrubs, flowers or vegetables, now could be a good time to start planning your garden.

Something that perhaps is an extremely important but often overlooked piece of gardening equipment is an outdoor hose. Obviously, a vital element to your garden is water. So of course you should have good watering hoses. Such as Eley water hoses. Which you can find at the company Eley Hose Reels.

Their garden hoses are kink resistant and also lightweight. The drinking water hose is made from materials that make them 100% safe to drink from. You can check their website for more information on this. 

Every year I do a big vegetable garden. I plant cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini to name a few. And I would really love to get a new water hose like one of these. Last summer the hose I have leaked a lot and wasn't watering my plants properly. So it really is a great investment to get a quality yard hose.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Check Out Some Of The Best Comedy Music

 You probably have heard of humorous vocalists like Weird Al, but serious artists have written some equally funny songs. Everyone needs a good chuckle now and then, and these musicians prove that you don't have to be serious all of the time to be successful. These humorous songs range from country to rap and are sure to make you laugh. So listen to the music and don't forget to read the lyrics.

1. Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros By Flight of the Conchords

Look no further if you're seeking for an example of an authentic New Zealand gangster rap war. Brett and Jemaine (a.k.a. The Rhymenoceros and Hiphopopotamus, respectively) mention tea parties, nice rhymes, and a person named Steve in this one.

2. Smash By Starbombs

Dan Avidan and Brian Wecht of Ninja Sex Party, along with Flash animator and Internet sensation Arin Hanson[3] and "space rock masters" TWRP, a Canadian music group noted for collaborations with NSP, formed Starbomb. This is undoubtedly one of Starbomb's most well-known tracks, and there's a reason for that. It's one of the funniest songs ever heard because of the incredible sound, lyrics, and animation. 

3. Welcome to the Internet By Bo Burnham

Burnham has a bleak view of the internet for someone who grew up with it. Burnham imagines the internet as a deranged carnival barker greeting its newest victim in "Welcome to the Internet." "Could I keep you interested in everything all of the time?" he asks, as he offers nutritious breakfast alternatives, photographs of renowned women's feet, and Harry Potter pornography. Burnham – who published his first YouTube video at the age of 16 in 2006 — is hidden beneath the frightening, maniacally laughing narrator, warning the younger generation about the deep pit that launched his career.

4. Tribute by Tenacious D

Without their first big single, "Tribute," Tenacious D may never have been what they are today. After failing to write the world's greatest song, the bandmates decided to write a tribute song to the greatest song ever written, according to the bandmates. 

The band's first encounter with a demon was in the fourth episode of their program, "The Greatest Song in the World," which took place before the movie's conclusion. After their next-door neighbor (Scott Adsit) calls the cops on them for creating too much noise, the band convinces the officer to let them off the hook with a demon-fighting song/story.

5. Smells Like Nirvana By Weird Al” Yankovic

"Weird Al" Yankovic rose to fame in the 1980s by parodying George Harrison and Madonna. He next mimicked Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit," the year's biggest song, in 1991. "The song isn't going to be about food, is it?" Kurt Cobain allegedly questioned Yankovic. "No, it's going to be about how no one can comprehend your lyrics," Yankovic said. "What is the meaning of this song?" begins "Smells Like Nirvana." "I can't make out any lyrics," he says, before going on to mock the band's Seattle roots. Many of the actors from the original "Teen Spirit" video appeared in Yankovic's version.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Importance of Veterinary Microscopes

We take our two dogs to the veterinary clinic for checkups on a fairly regular basis. They will have their weight, teeth and heart checked when they go to the vet. And the dogs usually are due for some sort of vaccination also. Once a year both get a heart worm test, which is really necessary to monitor whether your pet has that or not.

Every so often one of them might get sick and not feel well. Then we have to make an appointment for them usually as soon as possible. One time my little dog had a severe rash all over her belly. We had to bring her to the vet to have them look at it. We also have a cat, that doesn't have to go to the vet as often, but usually she has to go about once a year. 

During the pets veterinary visits  it is good to know that there are Veterinary Microscopes  they are using. The various tests and lab work that has to be done can be put on Veterinary Microscope Slides and analyzed. It is important to have a first-rate Veterinary Digital Microscope. Such as the ACCU-SCOPE 3000 Veterinary Microscope which can  be found at Microscope International. 

Another microscope is the LW Scientific I4M-BN4A-ISL3 Veterinary Microscope. Which can give clear views of blood cells, urine and fecal samples, pathology and all the other important functions that is necessary for an Animal Microscope. It is reassuring knowing the vet will have access to these amazing Veterinary Laboratory Microscopes.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

How To Help a Dog With Separation Anxiety

 If your dog whines and cries every time you leave the house, he or she is probably experiencing separation anxiety. This is miserable for your dog, of course, but it could also lead to destructive behavior. Therefore, you will want to try some solutions designed to ease your pup's mind when you must be away from home.

A Pet Sitter

If your dog is making a mess of your house every time you run errands, you might consider hiring a pet sitter. Have a friend drop by to stay with your dog, or get a sitter through an online service. If you must be gone for longer periods of time, think about bringing your dog to a friend's house where he or she can enjoy companionship and supervision. You will have to pay a hired pet sitter, of course, but you should also give your friend a stipend or gift of some sort.

Pet Day Care

Alternately, you could look into taking your dog to a pet day care Spring TX. The staff at a pet day care will provide plenty of attention for your dog as well as good food, treats, exercise, socialization and comfortable places to nap. You will receive the assurance that you will not come home to a trashed house and an upset dog. Pet day care does come with fees, but you can ask about package deals and discounts to save money.

A Companion

Finally, if you dog gets along well with other animals, you might get a companion for him or her. A dog or cat buddy could ease your pet's stress and introduce a new level of comfort and calm. There is a risk in this solution, though, for it might take time for both animals to adjust to the new situation. If possible, introduce them before the final adoption, and see how they respond to each other.

A pet sitter, a pet day care or a companion might be just right to give your dog (and you) more peace of mind.

Friday, February 4, 2022

3 Tips for Writing a Compelling Novel

 Most authors spend time every day on their writing practice. Writing practice helps improve writing skills and provides a springboard for creativity to flourish because as you write, you think of new ideas. Eventually, you might be at the point where you want to tackle what many consider the pinnacle of writing, namely, writing your first novel. Although many routes can lead you to this ultimate goal, three qualities stand out in the most captivating stories. 

Know Your Subject

This familiar writer's tip has been around for a long time, and for good reason. Specific, interesting details help draw the reader into the story, and therefore the more you know about the book's topic, the more well-supplied you will be with those details. For example, authors who have worked in a specific area, such as Jay Gaskill, a former lawyer and Chief Public Defender in California, bring authority and deep knowledge of the subject matter they write. This understanding lends an undeniable authenticity and believability to the work.

Captivating Main Character

The main character of your story gets the bulk of the pages in your book. Therefore, keeping your readers turning the pages happens by creating a character that somehow resonates with them. For example, the character might be goodness personified or evil immaculate. Nevertheless, there need to be qualities built into this character that readers find exciting and about which they want to learn more. Doing some thinking about this person's background, including their habits, social, political and family affiliations, only makes these characters stronger because of the believability in the details that the writer provides.

Create a Thrilling Plot

The plot usually revolves around a problem that the main character has to solve. By adding unexpected obstacles, the reader joins in the situation along with the protagonists and builds an inherent interest in seeing how these characters resolve their dilemmas, if they do.

By including these three tips in your novel writing, you will create a work that will draw readers in and leave them wanting a sequel.