
Monday, August 31, 2015

Firmoo Glasses #Giveaway

Hey guys I really love the website I have gotten a couple of pairs of sunglasses from them in the past. And my daughter needed glasses last school year so we got an extra pair for her to have from Firmoo. She actually loves them even more than the one's we got from the eye store.

Check out my last review, from this past March, when my daughter did get her glasses from Firmoo. Link here.

also here is a picture of her in her glasses from Firmoo 

now for giveaway one US only will win - read giveaway terms below and enter via Rafflecopter.

Giveaway terms:
 About Prize:
One pair of Firmoo glasses with free shipping to US from this page:
Glasses include the frames, standard 1.50 index single vision lenses. Upgraded lenses and add-ons will be charged for an extra fee.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

disclosure; giveaway code supplied by sponsor. I didn't receive anything just doing this giveaway for my readers.

Friday, August 28, 2015

In The Summer Time

I'm joining the Friday posts from  Finish the Sentence Friday!  check it out and Link up HERE.
*(love the song In the Summer Time)

Some things I will miss about Summer are not to be weird is Hummingbirds. I love hummingbirds and we have a feeder right outside our porch, And we get about 3 or 4 hummingbirds buzzing around. By the end of the Summer they get so used to you that if you're sitting out there they buzz right up to your face to check you out. It is really cool, my husband likes them too.

see the hummingbird? (c) +STAY AT HOME MOM 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

I Have to Get Back to Working Out: Crossfit

Now that Summer is almost over, I am going to start thinking about working out more. I do not have a lot time now because of various things, I've had to do this Summer with the kids. But once the kids go back to school full time, I will have more opportunities to get back into a routine.

I am sure I am not the only woman, to feel this way. After a Summer full of keeping the kids happy you may feel like me, that you have neglected your workout routine. On top of  not exercising much lately, if you are also like me, you may have indulged a little more these past few months. What I mean, is I personally have had a few more treats than usual. For example such as ice cream or funnel cakes!

I do walk after dinner every night. I like to walk around my neighborhood. It is a nice and pleasant walk. It isn't very strenuous or anything, but does give me some exercise. Which is good news because even moderate exercise can help women's hearts. It can help prevent heart disease, clots and stroke.

Women who even do short bouts of exercise two to three times a week are less susceptible to heart problems. Moderate exercise is any activity that gets you sweating or gets your heart rate up enough. Some examples are walking, cycling and gardening. I mostly walk, but have done some cycling and gardening this Summer too. If women just get moving 2 to 3 times a week they can really help their health. Women who are not active in anyway will not get any of these benefits to help their hearts. So it really is worth doing even a little exercise.

I'm glad that at least the little exercising that I have been doing is helping my heart. But I also would like to step up my workout/exercise routine for the Fall. Because, I need to maybe lose some weight too. Besides just walking, I was thinking of looking into crossfit training. I need to do some research on everything that is involved with crossfit first, though I think. It sounds like it could be really cool though, since it combines aerobics, gymnastics, weightlifting and more!

I may need to buy some new equipment to go along with this new training.
One thing I read I might need is some new shoes. I will do some research on this too. But I saw that the site,  has a great selection of cross fit shoe reviews. This will really give me an advantage in finding the perfect crossfit shoe. Since I feel like the right shoes are the first important step to starting this crossfit training.  I think that this new idea I have to start this crossfit routine is actually going to be cool, and now I'm getting excited about starting this soon!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Hardwood Floors: Daily and Long Term Care

Hardwood floors are a beautiful addition to any home, and if you care for them properly, they'll last a lifetime. Some things are obvious,if you let the kids roller skate in the house or paint without a dropcloth, your floors are simply not going to hold up all that well. To prevent regular wear and tear and to keep your floors looking their best, these ideas will help.

photo credit 

Use the (right) Vacuum

Most people think that the vacuum is really just for carpeting, but most will do a great job on your wood flooring, too. A roller free vacuum cleaner (or an attachment) designed to grab hair, dust and all sorts of dirt can remove these potential allergens from your hardwood floors too. If you use one on a daily basis, you can keep your floors dust and dirt  free and improve your air quality, too. If these are allowed to build up over time, they can also act like a sand paper of sorts in higher traffic areas, damaging the finish of your floors. Avoid using a vacuum with a roller, this could actually scratch or damage your floor's finish as well.

Never Use a Soaked Mop

A common mistake many homeowners make is using a soaking wet mop to wipe down the floors. Using too much water can cause damage and could even lead to a nasty mold buildup under your floors. The mop you use should be mostly dry with just a small bit of cleaning solution designed just for hardwood floors.

Skip the Vinegar

Often heralded as a chemical free cleaning miracle, vinegar is great for many household cleaning tasks and surfaces -- but your wood floor is not one of them. While you might pick up a spill or two in the short term, over time the acidity of the vinegar can cause permanent damage to your beautiful floors.

Use Area Rugs

Choosing thick rugs with pads for high traffic areas and spots by doorways can reduce the wear and tear on your floor and add warmth and color to your room as well. Area rugs can help protect your flooring from moisture and scuffs, prolonging its life and beauty.

Add Furniture Pads

If you have active kids or use a room a lot, then padding the bottom of your furniture legs will help prevent some seriously deep scratches. Even a small child can move a chair or table across the floor and do significant damage to the wood or finish. Using the small felt circle pads on the bottom of the furniture can prevent scrapes and scratches, even if the piece is pushed across the floor.

Some of the best things you can do to protect your hardwood floors are preventative. By keeping scratches, scrapes and moisture to a minimum, you can enjoy your floors without having to constantly refinish them. Preserving the natural beauty of your hardwood flooring is easier than you'd think and the better care you take of your floors, the less frequently you'll need to refinish or replace them.
Bio -

This guest post contribution is courtesy of MacDonald Hardwoods located in Denver, CO. MacDonald Hardwoods features several hardwood floor types including Ash, Pecan, Oak and Brazilian Cherry.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Blog Tour: Between the Tides by Susannah Marren #BookReview

I recently received the book Between The Tides by Susannah Marren & am posting along with the Blog Tour for it. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

WW Latest Camping Pictures

We went camping again recently.

We went to a different place, that we hadn't been to before. It reminds me of the Bear Grylls show where you face your fears - ha-ha. Because There was a dock out in the water and we all jumped off of it -(a bunch of times) even though we were all scared because we hadn't jumped off one in so many years.

We also faced our fears of going out in a canoe. My daughter and I usually rent a paddle boat. But this time we rented a canoe. Any time I've been in a canoe I usually am just a "passenger" but this time she made me actually paddle. We did pretty good at it!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Find

Hey guys, I am trying a new post I found out about it is Five Minute Friday. And the prompt this week is FIND.


I find myself worrying about my family. My sister is very sick with brain cancer. I got back from a camping trip to find my other sister was in the hospital with the sodium problem she has. And at the same time her husband, my BIL had a heart attack. I was away, but no one even called me. I came home yesterday, to find that this had all happend not to far from that, it happened Monday.

My BIL is ok, but he had 2 to 3? operations. He had to have two stints put in and actually came home yesterday. I find that I guess it's not about me, but find myself a little perterbed I didn't find out sooner, even though I guess being so far away I couldn't do anything anyway.

I also find myself thinking of this pic I took before I moved.


BIL & my Daughter  2011

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Grab Green #Review and #giveaway

FREE Home Cleaning Bundle
With a mission of converting consumers to greener, healthier cleaning products Grab Green offers 250 free Cleaning Bundles

Grab Green creates naturally-derived cleaning products that are not only environmentally friendly, but also non-toxic, sustainable and actually work.

For a very limited time, we are offering consumers the chance to create a greener home by making the switch from conventional toxic cleaners to products that boast naturally-derived ingredients you can feel good about.-- For Free!
There are only 250 Home Cleaning Bundles available. To learn more about our non-toxic alternatives or for a chance for a free Bundle, visit

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Common Eye Diseases Affecting Young Adults

Most Americans suffer from retinal problems as they get older. According to the American Foundation for the Blind, 12% of Americans between the ages of 45 and 64 suffer from some form of vision loss. However, vision problems aren’t limited to older adults. Younger adults should also be aware of the symptoms, causes, treatments and preventive measures for various retinal diseases.

How Can Young Adults Avoid Eye Problems?

There are a number of different reasons that younger adults can suffer from retinal problems. Here are some tips to mitigate the risks.
Exercise Regularly
A 2006 study published in The British Journal of Opthalmology suggests that regular exercise can reduce the risk of developing eye problems. M.D. Knudston of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, was one of the lead researchers. Knudston said that people that try to keep themselves active may tend to be biologically younger, which could explain the benefits.
Receive Adequate Sleep
Our eyes produce a lot more lubrication during sleep. You will want to make sure that you get plenty of rest every night, because this lubrication helps promote healing.
Use Necessary Contraceptives During Sexual Activity
Gonorrhea, herpes and many other sexually transmitted diseases can lead to eye problems. Therefore, using contraception during sexual activity is extremely important. Of course, even the best contraception isn’t 100% effective, but it’s still much safer than using nothing.
Take a Break from Electronic Devices
The UV light from electronic devices can cause your eyes to deteriorate over time. You will need to give your eyes a break from them occasionally to avoid the damage that they cause.
Eat Fewer Free Radicals
Your diet also plays a very important role in your retinal health. Eating foods that are loaded with sugar, trans fats and other unhealthy byproducts can cause serious damage to your eyes over time. The damage won’t be as immediate as some of the other problems discussed here, but it’s still something that young adults should be aware of.
Avoid Smoking
While cigarette use has declined in recent years, it is still a problem that people need to be aware of. According to a fact sheet from the CDC, approximately 9% of high school students have smoked a cigarette within the past 30 days.  The prevalence among young adults is higher still.
Cigarettes can cause serious damage to your eyes over time, because they can inflame and constrict capillaries near the eyes. You will want to be aware of the risks and stop smoking to avoid developing long term vision problems.

Take Care of Your Retinal Health

Eye diseases may be more likely to affect older adults, but young people aren’t immune from them. You will want to take the steps outlined above to avoid the risks of developing them. If you are worried that you may be starting to develop eye problems, then you should speak with an ophthalmologist in Colorado Springs.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How Will Paperless Medical Records Affect Healthcare?

The medical industry is constantly undergoing new changes. Advances in technology are among the most significant factors that have driven the industry in recent years. A number of companies such as Micro MD have developed new electronic record keeping software, which is poised to change the market in the years to come.
How will paperless medical recordkeeping affect the healthcare industry? Here are some factors that industry experts and consumers should be aware of.

Lower Costs

The cost of storing medical records is much higher than most people would expect.   Carl Christensen, CIO of Marshfield Clinic, is a strong supporter of paperless medical recordkeeping.  One of the many benefits that he highlighted is the massive cost savings it would entail. “The elimination of pulling paper charts alone could result in a $7 million savings annually,” he wrote.
If the costs for a single clinic would be reduced by $7 million, then the cost for the entire country would be even more significant. Lowering the infrastructural costs for healthcare providers would ultimately lead to lower costs for consumers, which would eventually lower health insurance premiums.
Cost effectiveness is one of the biggest reasons many customers turn to services such as Micro MD paperless recordkeeping. Demand for these services will likely increase as the need to curb costs rises.

More Accurate Care

Healthcare providers are constantly looking for new ways to improve the quality of care that they provide to their patients. They are under even greater pressure to do so as changes to the Affordable Care Act force them to look for ways to reduce readmissions and problems that cause medical mistakes. One of the biggest causes of medical error is that doctors often get information wrong about patients. They can mix up patients’ charts, forget which medications patients are allergic to and make other egregious errors.
The use of electronic medical records can significantly lessen the risk. Doctors will have more immediate information on their patients, which reduces the risk of making an error. It is also much easier for them to update information if patients make them aware of a change or mistake in their medical history.

Revisiting HIPAA Regulations

Medical privacy is becoming a greater concern than ever. HIPAA was put into place to protect patient privacy and has done a good job doing so. As medical recordkeeping becomes more common, regulators may need to reassess the way that records are stored. They have already placed limitations on the ways that medical data can be stored on the cloud.
Does this mean that electronic records are less secure? No. However, the risks are different than those of paper records, because the ways that they can be accessed are different. Therefore, the safeguards that healthcare providers must abide by must be different as well. The policies may need to be changed over time to reflect the different precautions that regulators feel are warranted.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Alarm Protection For Peace of Mind

You undoubtedly already know many of the advantages of having an alarm system installed in your home. However, one very important feature that many alarm systems do not include is alarm monitoring. While having an alarm system without monitoring is certainly better than having no protection for your home at all, an alarm system can only be the most effective when used along with an alarm system monitoring service. 

What does it mean to have your alarm system monitored? 

Basically, it is very simple. If your alarm system is not monitored, it will alert people inside the home of any impending danger. However, that is all it will do. An alarm monitoring service will notify your local police, fire department or emergency medical service if your security system detects anything potentially dangerous is going on at your home. This is an added level of security that no homeowner can afford to be without. This is especially true for people living in dangerous neighborhoods. Why should you have your alarm system monitored? Here are a few reasons.

Added protection against burglars

For the most part, burglars do not like to break into homes they know are occupied. They like to wait until you are not at home to strike. This means that you will most likely never have an issue with a burglar while you are inside your house. If a burglar attempts to break into your home while you are away, having an unmonitored alarm system will be no help at all. However, if you have a monitoring service like Alarm Relay connected to your alarm system, they will immediately contact your local police department if they determine there is a burglary in progress at your home. The police will dispatch a car to your house, making it more likely that the burglar will be arrested before escaping with your valuables.

Peace of mind when you are not at home

Having your security system monitored will allow you to feel comfortable leaving your home unoccupied, even if you live in a high crime area. Basically, having your security system monitored is like having a person constantly watching your home all the time, even when you are not at home. Yes, this service does cost extra. However, if having your alarm system monitored prevents your home from being damaged by fire or burglarized while you are away, it is well worth the added expense.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

#SunshineVoxBox from @Influenster

Hey there, I recently got the Sunshine Voxbox from Influenster. Here are the products that were included.

1. Vaseline Intensive Care Moisturizer Spray (aloe smooth)
2. Blue Diamond Almonds (Bold Sriracha)
3. Sinful colors (ocean side)
4. Infusium 23 (leave in conditioner)
5. Dickinson's Witch Hazel Cleansing Cloths
6. Bark Thins (not pictured - received coupon)

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Choosing the Best Plumbing Fixtures for Your Home

There are several things that you need to take into consideration when choosing plumbing fixtures. They need to be reliable, but they also must fit in with the aesthetics of your room. The fixtures that you use on your faucets and other plumbing systems can significantly change the mood of your entire house. Here are some things that need to be taken into consideration while choosing them.

Desired Ambience of Your House

Take a good look around your home. What mood do your rooms convey to you? Is this the desired mood that you want to set? If not, then what do you need to do differently?
Faucets and other plumbing fixtures play an important role in instilling this mood. If you are going for a more vintage look, then you may want to invest in some vintage pieces. If a contemporary feel is more your style, then you may want to consider investing in stainless steel instead.


Of course, you aren’t purchasing plumbing fixtures for the sake of decorating your house. The main reason that you are purchasing them is to make sure that you can easily transfer water throughout your home.
You need to buy plumbing fixtures that make it easy to do so. You need to make sure that you can get an easy grip on them and turn them easily when needed. If you or anyone in your family suffers from physical problems that make it difficult to turn knobs, then you may need to find fixtures that are ergonomically designed to your benefit.

Create a Sink Around the Faucets

The faucet should generally be the centerpiece of your sink. If you already have a sink, then you may need to have your faucets refit to it. Otherwise, you  will need to start shopping for sinks that suit your needs.
There are a lot of good sinks on the market, so make sure that you spend plenty of time doing your research. You need to make sure that you don’t purchase a sink that is so fragile that you have to worry about it fracturing while installing your fixtures.

Create a Finish

You also need to make sure that you have a good finish on your sink after your plumbing fixtures are installed. There are a lot of good ones on the market to look into. Bronze colored oil is great if you are going for a more rustic theme for your house. If you want to a have a blend between a contemporary and older house, then you can brush the sink with an old nickel. This gives it a more surreal feeling for people that want to combine the feelings of both styles.
Applying a finish can take some time. Make sure that you give yourself at least an hour to polish the sink properly and then let it cure for a day or two.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Tips to Survive North Carolina’s Ongoing Heat Wave

North Carolina is currently in the midst of a massive heat wave. Temperatures fluctuated between the mid and upper 80s throughout the last half of June. Many experts predicted that the temperatures would start to decline, but there has been little evidence that a cool front is on the horizon. You will need to prepare your home for the persistent heat if you want to stay comfortable.

Know When to Use Ventilation

Using ventilation systems is often a good way to get rid of hot air, but there are times that you actually bring more hot air into the house. As a rule of thumb, it’s generally best to only use ventilation if the incoming air is under 78 degrees. This means that window fans are a good option during the evening, but could be counterproductive in the middle of the afternoon.

Consider Planting Trees

Many people in North Carolina plant trees to keep their home cool during the summer. These trees can block the sun from penetrating your windows during the day, which can shave your cooling bills considerably.
However, you need to weigh the cost savings from cooling against the potential benefits of solar heat during the wintertime. If you plan to leverage solar heat later in the year, then you should probably consider a more temporary solution to reduce sunlight. Installing some drapes may be a better idea, although you will need to adjust to the reduced sunlight.
However, you can often plant trees on the northern, eastern and western sides of your house to reduce sunlight in the summer, while still getting sufficient solar heat in the winter. You will need to assess the light that your house receives to determine what your best options are.

Consider Installing a Central Air Conditioning

Older conditioning units often fail to provide decent heating capabilities. You may need to install a central HVAC system instead. These systems are much more reliable. Make sure that you also replace the outdoor compressor unit, because this plays an important role in regulating heat in your house.
The system also needs periodic maintenance to work properly. It is a good idea to speak with Kay Heating and Air Conditioning, a heating and cooling service company in Greensboro. You can try Kay Heating and Air Conditioning by filling out the contact form on the link provided.

Alternate Between Your Dehumidifier and Air Conditioner

You will need to use both your dehumidifier and air conditioner to keep your home cooled in a hot and humid state like North Carolina. However, you shouldn’t run the two at the same time. The dehumidifier produces a lot of excessive heat while it is running, which forces your air conditioner to use more power. Your best bet is to either run the dehumidifier while you are away from home or during the cooler parts of the day. You don’t usually need to run it consistently to keep your home cool.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Ecooda Tiro Pro Series Caster Round Baitcasting reel and accessory #review

If you are a regular reader here then you know my husband and I love fishing. So that is why I was excited to get some fishing stuff to review. 

I received the Ecooda Tiro Pro Series Caster Round Baitcasting reel and the  KastKing pliers 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

How to Stay Afloat Financially After Losing Your Job

The recent economic downturn has affected many businesses and cost employees across the nation their jobs. While the government states that the official unemployment rate is only about 5%, many people have been forced to work lower paying jobs or accept part-time positions. If you have been laid off, then you need a plan of action in order to survive. Here are several practical tips to keep you from losing your house or facing other serious financial problems during these tough times.

Have a Discussion With Your Family

Your family needs to understand the importance of saving money to get you through these challenging times. On my money saving blog, I mentioned that one of my friend’s parents had to break this news to them when they were 8. It was a difficult transition for them, but they were able to come to terms with the challenges and become stronger in spite of them.
You may not want to have to deny your children the new Xbox or designer clothes they are asking for, but they will be able to come to terms with the setback. If you let them know that the problem is temporary, then children won’t be afraid and can help come up with creative ways to save money and learn how to be part of the solution.

Buying and Spending Patterns

As difficult as it may be, you are going to have to change your spending patterns. And while you may not want to become one of those “Extreme Couponing” shoppers, combining coupons and taking advantage of sales are great ways to save money. Just be willing to switch to generic or less expensive products, and cook from scratch and find cost effective ways to prepare meals, which can be costly.

Get an “In-Between” Job

You may not be able to find your ideal job right away. Fortunately, you can hold yourself over by taking a decent paying short-time job. You may not bring home the usual amount of pay, a temporary job can open doors and job opportunities for you. It will also do wonders to help reduce the stress that you are dealing with, especially if you are worried that your UI checks are about to end.
You will stay engaged as a worker and involved with others and a future employer will look more favorable on you for keeping your resume current.

Think Logically

Resist the temptation to become self-employed unless you have a solid business plan in place. While starting your own business might seem like a great idea when you are unemployed, working for yourself offers a unique set of challenges. A new business needs time and money and can take months to reap financial rewards, and realistically, you need to focus your time, energy and finances on finding another job.

Don’t Let Pride Take Over

Consider taking an entry-level job though you may feel like you are taking a step backwards by looking for jobs teenagers typically take, such as retail, fast food or customer service work. However, an entry-level position can provide several advantages for you; employers notice your life skills and solid work ethic, which will give you great opportunities for advancement, as well as giving you the option that you can work evenings, which leaves your days free to continue your job search.

Get Creative

Look for other creative ways to earn money. Your unique skill set enables you to transition your strengths into a different career that employs your experience, such as if you can teach others or work as a consultant, or if you have a hobby you enjoy, you might be able to earn money by teaching or selling your products.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Selfie Stick #Review

my daughter has wanted a selfie stick for awhile. so that's why I was happy to get one for free to review.

she took a lot of pictures and some videos using this recently. I want her to send me over one of the videos because it was one she took on my son's birthday, but she didn't send it to me yet. lol. I will add it to this post once she cooperates and sends it over to me... lol